Good morning DPR, I trust we had a great week. Today we will be considering one of the greatest attitudes anyone can possess. It’s a remarkable blessing to anyone who has it. That singular attitude unlocks the elements of life and aligns them in the favour of the user. It’s a beautiful virtue. I hope you did not find it difficult pronouncing that them up there? GREATTITUDE. Well, that word is a combination of “Great” and “Attitude” which makes “Gratitude”. So forget about the spelling manipulation and just focus on the theme “Gratitude”, lol. I see it as the greatest attitude to life. It’s amazing how our perspectives change with simple gratitude. The little things we thought could never sustain us, if we look on them and begin to give thanks for them, we would be shocked at how those very things will begin to respond to us. I have come to realise that EVERYTHING God ever created has an ear. I’ll explain. You see, because we know that God created the worlds by His Word, Heb 11:3, it’s therefore safe to conclude that those things heard Him call them forth. Hence, EVERYTHING has an ear. So if EVERYTHING has an ear, what then do they hear? I believe what I’m about to share with you is really powerful, so just follow me closely. What do these elements of life hear? They hear what they can say! The elements of life have been designed by God to only hear what they are capable of saying.
Psalms 19:1(EASYENGLISH) The heavens are TELLING us about the glory of God. The sky is showing the things that his hands have made. 2 One day POURS OUT THE STORY to another day. One night TELLS the next night what it knows. 3 (But) they do not use words and have no languages. NOBODY HEARS THEIR VOICE. 4 ( *Yet) WHAT THEY SAY goes into all the earth. THEIR WORDS go to the ends of the world. God has made a home for the sun (in the sky).
We see from this passage of scripture that, the heavens and earth have voices. Although nobody hears them speak, but they do speak. They speak of the glory of God, they give praises to His name, they are constantly grateful to God. As unfortunate as they are compared to man, they still see reasons to be grateful to God about. They have nothing compared to what God has blessed man with, but of all God’s creation, man is the most endowed and also the most ungrateful. These elements of life are grateful for the fact that God even thought them worthy to be created for His pleasure, Rev 4:11. EVERYTHING in life actually gives glory to God. Money, animals, houses, cars, trees, wood, fire, sand, EVERYTHING!!! Remember how that Peter had toiled all night and caught nothing? And then suddenly the creator of all fishes came around and spoke to the ears of the fishes and they heard the voice of their creator and ran towards Him until they (fishes) all struggled to enter the already filled nets, just so they could respond to the Master’s call. I’m still laying a foundation, I’ll get to my point soon… So if the elements of this world can speak, that means they hear, and the only thing they can hear, is what they can speak; PRAISES.
Psalms 67:5(KJV) Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. 6 THEN shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.
Jer 30:19 And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.
So here’s my point, the earth only recognises the language code of Praises unto its creator and nothing else. It speaks praises, it hears praises. The moment the earth heard the people praising its creator, it began to yield the increase they needed. Your earth has been waiting for you to be grateful to God, your earth has been waiting for you to tell God THANK YOU. You have probably complained so hard for so long that you have forgotten how to be grateful. Your business will work only if you learn to operate the code of Praises. Productivity, Deliverance and Increase answer to the Code of Praise. The Jail cell where Paul and Silas were held bound heard the code of praises and couldn’t help but give way, the fibres and molecules of the the 5 loves and 2 fish heard the thanksgiving from the lips of Jesus and couldn’t help but replicate themselves to feed more than they normally could. Do you want things to begin to work for you? Then be given to praises and thanksgiving. To me, that’s about the greatest attitude. The children of Israel had such a short term memory that they constantly forgot how good God had been to them, no matter what He was doing in the present. Listen! Your “greatitude” has NOTHING to do with how much you have currently, your lifestyle or status. Gratitude really is not a function of your circumstances. It’s all about how you’re able to see the Grace of God in all situations. Albert Einstein one opined, “there are only two ways to see life, one as if nothing were a miracle and the other as if everything were a miracle”. If you see everything as a miracle, it would be hard to get you out of praises. It’s such a powerful attitude.
1 Thess 5: 18(KJV) In EVERY THING give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
When we learn to give God praises, the elements of life that we’ve been waiting on will begin to work in our favour. Praises are not meant for some occasions alone or for the first few minutes of every prayer session. Praises should punctuate our sentences. Let’s allow our vocabulary be flooded with Praise Phrases like Glory To God, Hallelujah, Amen, Thank You Jesus, etc. The new creation man is full of Thanksgiving, because he simply walks in the finished works of redemption. Check out Paul’s prayers and you will find out how He always gave thanks to God who appointed him and put him in the ministry. In the Hebrew language, the word “think” and “thank” have the same root word. Your life will be remarkably fulfilling when you start to thank God for everything your mind can capture, because if you can THINK, then you can THANK. Gratitude is a Character that has the potential of becoming the difference between where you are right now and where you ought to be… How grateful are you? Decide today, to be more grateful to God. Enjoy the weekend 🙂