Hell; The Ultimate Proof Of God’s Love

I know some of you are like “seriously! What sort of a topic is this?”, just relax ok! For me as a person, this question has always been very top on my “questions to God” list, and it boggled my theology to think that a loving God would send anyone at all to hell. It didn’t make loving sense to me… If you get what I mean. I must also say at this point, that not all these “questions” are worth wasting our energies on in finding answers to, as some lead to endless genealogies and unending questions. Beware of such questions that never end but generate more and more questions, and it’s rather unfortunate there’s a religious sect that only focuses on such questions, quite frankly, those supposed answers never edify anyone. They reduce the gospel to intellectualism and philosophy. Questions like where do babies and animals go when they die? what happens at the end of the world? Any question that has no root in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is not worth our time.

1Ti 1:4
4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith:so do.

However, this question about why a loving God will ever put anyone in hell, boarders on our understanding of God’s true nature and how we appreciate the work of redemption Jesus came on earth to do. I asked myself: Is there any human being, senile enough, who deserves to be in hell? Yeah you might say Adolf Hitler, but it simply shows you have no idea how inhumane the condition of hell is, no human born of a woman should find himself there. But on a second thought, would God allow every and anyone come to heaven, whether or not they received the sacrifice of Jesus? That was far more unthinkable for me, God loves Jesus too much to allow His sacrifice on the cross go to waste, and that’s why those who end up in heaven wouldn’t get there by their works, but by faith in His finished works, and those who end up in hell, wouldn’t get there by their works either or evil deeds, but by sheer rejection of the sacrifice of the lamb.

Heb 10:28-29
28 He that despised Moses ‘law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Here, the bible is saying that there’s no hell deep enough, hot enough, or miserable enough, to adequately punish anyone who has despised and rejected the sacrifice of Jesus. Many of us glory in the fact that God loves us, hey… The real deal is more about how much God loves Jesus. Just that right now, we’re IN CHRIST. To properly estimate how much God loves us, we must consider the price for our exchange; JESUS. He’s the true worth of our salvation. A product is only as expensive as the worth exchanged for it. We would never know how much He loves us, until we know how much He loves JESUS and how much JESUS is worth to God, but guess what? He was willing to let go of JESUS, just to have you. That is exactly how special you are.

Rom 8:32
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

Jn 3:16,18
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

We must go back to the price tag, to determine our true worth. So what did you think? That after JESUS had suffered the most humiliating death (death on the cross), been beaten by the most inhumane soldiers on earth (Roman soldiers), went to the most horrifying place of all time for 3 days (hell), and then anyone who rejects such a lofty sacrifice will get a stroll to heaven and a pat on the back? Oh no way! God loved us so much, He gave His son, what does that tell you? God Himself must have said “God help anyone who rejects this”?lol And so, anyone who rejects Him is condemned already. Hell was a provision of God to prove to Jesus, how much He loved Him. God allowing anyone apart from those who believed in His son, to Heaven, will be the biggest despise to His son. Hell doesn’t question the love of God, it further proves it.

You had better start telling everyone you know about the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus, He is the ONLY way to the Father. Our Dead Works will NEVER be, Morality will NEVER be, only Faith in HIM would suffice. There’s a Heaven to gain, and a hell to shun. There’s no love without an absolute hate for whatever could harm what you love. You see a man trying to molest your daughter, that’s when you know how crazy angry you can get at another human being, except you don’t love your daughter. God is Love, He has always been, He would always be. Never doubt that! I trust this has blessed you. Pls do well to share with friends and loved ones.

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