Love math is out!

Lessons from the unlikely

Good morning Friend.

Let no man deceive you beloved… The value you place on the things of God will determine how much you can get from the spiritual. Honour admits us into the school of privileges in this kingdom we operate in. This morning, I’ll just like to ask you a very important question. How much value do you place on the things of God? Do you allow the things of God suffer while your own ambition is receiving full attention? Have you magnified the place and relevance of God in your life? This is not an attempt to take you on a guilt trip… No! The Holy Spirit has not updated His ministry to include such, however it is imperative that we realise that how much we are able to get from God is not dependent on God as it were, but on us. God already ultimately moved in compassion and grace towards us in the person of Christ Jesus and He really can not improve on that. Christ is the perfect expression of the wisdom of God. For God to have another idea on how to minister to you outside of Christ is to make God clueless. God has no other idea apart from Christ. So every thing you will ever need for life and godliness has been wrapped up in the knowledge of Christ in your heart (2 Pet 1:3), but we must learn to seek God with all our hearts and value Him as such. The proof of value and love is pursuit.

Jeremiah 29:13 (KJV) And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

There was a woman who valued so much what Christ had done for her that all the material wealth she could gather paled in relevance in comparison to this amazing Grace she had received from her Lord and Saviour. She knew she had no future had it not been for Him, she knew where she was going to end up had it not been for Jesus. She had no class to fit in the society, she was a nobody… But Jesus loved her enough to restore her dignity and give her a new life. This woman then responded by doing something amazing…

1. She broke something precious to her: Sometimes for us to be able to communicate value for God, we have to break something we have always held so dear. God cannot have competition in your life. He cannot afford it. You can’t manage Him with another. He cannot deal with a divided attention. When God enters your life, He wants to be your sole desire and obsession. This is the only way to enter into the joy of the Lord. That woman broke her alabaster and communicated something to Jesus; I value and honour You much more than this bottle of perfume. This bottle was once the most precious substance to her, but when Jesus arrived, He didn’t come to be accommodated, He came to take over. Sincerely beloved, do well to evaluate your life and see for yourself those things that need to break… Value God above those things and displace their hold and control in your life. Break them!

2. She was not ashamed: Many of us are too shamed to press into an eternal memorial class in God. This woman entered a class that only a few patriarchs can boast of when she broke that bottle. She was not ashamed to break a bottle of ointment in the public, anoint Jesus, kiss and minister to Him. Shame is a direct result of fear! It is the fear of man that makes people to be ashamed to do something in the presence of men that they will otherwise do in their absence, especially the things of God. This woman lost her sense of shame, because she was completely focused on the love of Jesus for her. When you find people who are too ashamed to do things like evangelism, you just found folks who are afraid of men. You cannot please God and please men. You must be willing anywhere and everywhere to communicate your value to Jesus and be bold to tell the world about it. She was so enraptured in His Grace that she almost lost any sense of awareness to anyone around. Today, we find people who are too organised to worship God and cast their crowns before Him… Because they have to look the part in a social sense. They are too busy to come to Church and because of that, they have become too small to be honoured by God. This woman was given a memorial class among the elites in the kingdom. One moment of honour singled her out and distinguished her forever. She didn’t have to have the best upbringing… she was a prostitute, she didn’t have the best of gifts… Only a bottle of perfume, but she had a heart that placed tremendous value on God above all else in her life and God responded by exalting her.

Let’s us learn from this woman, let us imbibe her culture. Let us honour and value God above all else in our lives. Honour is not just a thing of the heart, it manifests in outward actions. Don’t say you Love and Honour God and no one can see it apart from yourself. This woman didn’t hide her devotion to God, we must not hide ours. God seeks for bold and passionate people who will declare His praise in the congregation of men… Would you be that one?

Have a beautiful week ahead.

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