More Than A Person

Good morning DPR, I believe you had a good week. I did… Congratulations to all Arsenal fans out there, their vindication from the paws of Bayern’s deadly attack is proof that miracles still happen. Hehehe, I actually do believe there’s something in it for Arsenal this season. Pls pardon my “thing” for football… So we’re done with the Character Series for now, and oh boy! I was really blessed by it, I hope you were too? Do not forget to share posts with friends and family as often as you can. The central figure of the scriptures is the Person of Jesus… But when we look closely into the epistles, we realise Jesus Christ is much more than a person. When we pay attention to the prepositions used in the new testament especially, we discover that Christ is much more than a Person, He is also a Place. The way we see Him actually determines how we relate with Him. I was meditating recently and realised that the preposition used in scriptures are as important as the message of the verse of scripture. For example, when the Bible says “with Him”, we know that’s relational. He is relating with us as with a person. He would always be with us and never leave us; Emmanuel… God with us.

Matthew 1:23(KJV) Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US.

However, Jesus Christ is much more than a Person, He is a Place. That’s why some folks find it difficult to understand scriptures like, “if any man be IN Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new”. Christ is an atmosphere, much different from what is obtainable in the kingdom of darkness. That is, in the place called CHRIST, there are no stale realities… Everything becomes new. If you used to be poor, you’re made rich, if you used to be looked down upon, you’re made the head and not the tail, if your life was characterised by failures and defeats, you become a grand success… All because you ENTERED into the Place called Christ. It’s so beautiful to know that Christ is much more than a Person that can relate with us, He is also a Place that can shield us from evil and attacks from the enemy. No wonder Proverbs 18:10 tells us His name is more than an identity, it’s a strong tower than shields the righteous who runs into IT. When we realise that we’re in Christ, it would be hard for the enemy to scare us with lies about how that God has left us or forsaken us. God will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. You know how I know this?

Col 3: 3(KJV) For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

What this means is that when we entered into Christ, Christ became our shield and the Father became our double assurance. For the enemy to touch you, he would have to penetrate God, and then get rid of God, so he can get to Christ and then deal with Christ, before he could ever think of getting to us, even in Christ, we are not just left bare and open to attacks, our lives are HID in Him. What a blessing! And could the devil even come near the thought of confronting God? Romans 8:37 says if God be for us, who born devil?(my version of the scripture)…hehehe. What a blessing to be IN Christ. People leave in fear today because they see Jesus only as someone they tell their problems to, and not a place called THE STRONG TOWER. Jesus Christ is more than a Person, He is a Place. Paul was speaking to some folks in Athens at some point, these guys were highly intellectual and philosophical, they entertained every thought about deity just that they never saw any as supreme… Paul sought for a way to present Jesus Christ to them and this is how he presents Jesus.

Acts 17:28 (KJV) FOR IN HIM WE LIVE, AND MOVE, AND HAVE OUR BEING; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

You don’t live, move and have your being in someone functioning only as a person… He is the SPACE that created all spaces. Eternity found its essence in Him, endlessness began its course in His reins. He is an inexhaustible space of Power, Grace, Mercy and Truth. I don’t just believe in Him, I LIVE in HIM. If I’m up in the air flying at an altitude of 32,000 feet above sea level and the pilot alerts the passengers of an impending crash, I know I wouldn’t fret, because I might be physically in the plane, but spiritually I’m IN HIM. In Him, I live, I move, I fly, I drive, I eat, I play, I work, in Him I have my total being. Woooow! I’m so excited about this. I can barely stay calm where I am, I wonder how sometimes we come in contact with the truth of the Word and just read it like a journal or some sport bulletin. God is more real than the hair on your head and if you realise that, you’d be so confident about life. Knowing fully well that you abide IN Him perpetually all the days of your life. When the enemies lurk around the corner, you can stand boldly to declare the counsel of the Lord. I charge you today to begin to see God as a PLACE. One amazing thing about David was that He saw God as more than a Person, He saw Him also as a place. He saw Him as a strong tower, a refuge, a fortress, a shield… No wonder he could charge at Goliath knowing fully well that he was fighting, not just with God, but also IN God. Before you leave your house daily, open your mouth and declare that IN CHRIST YOU LIVE, YOU MOVE AND YOU HAVE YOUR BEING. GLORY TO GOD!!! This will give you an uncommon boldness in the face of adversity and challenges, you’re IN Christ, the leading authority over all principalities and powers and dominions and thrones and might. Glory to Jesus. Jesus Christ CONTAINS ALL things…

Col 1:16 (ISV) For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers; all things were made by him and for him;17 HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS, AND IN HIM ALL THINGS HAVE BEING.

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