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Anchor Truths (The Shield 17.0) – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

The Power Point Tribe · Anchor Truths (The Shield 17.0) – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

Hello Tribesmen, we closed the ‘The Shield’ series today with a banging exit.
In today’s teaching ‘Anchor Truths’ Pastor Dami gave us an exposè into the core of what breeds/builds up our fear or faith.

After defining an anchor as something that keeps you grounded and unshaken even during the tides and waves of difficult seasons and erroneous doctrines, He told us that we should avoid been anchored by things that can be shaken. He mentioned that for as many as their anchors are their finances, personality, pastor , physical strength, person, job and so on; they stand a risk of being confused and helpless whenever the wind comes for these anchors.

Pastor Dami made us understand that even when we trust in the intellect, resources, finances that God has given us, that we shouldn’t lean on them. Emphasis is on USING them and not LEANING on them.

He goes further to mention that for us christians there are three major anchors that can ensure that we are not fearful and are faith-strong, which are:

  • The word of God is the dividing/presiding truth. Psalm 119:89
  • God Loves you. Jer 31:3. Is 54:10
  • Jesus is coming back for you. 1 John 3:3, 1 thes 4:13

Pastor Dami further gave us pointers like- aligning our hearts to our decisions, having love in our hearts, staying away from sin, exalting the word of God above our memories and so on to keeps us steadfast in ensuring that the three anchors are very much ours.

Listen and be blessed

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