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Shape Up – WOW 36.0 – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

Powerpoint Tribe · WOW 35 (Dress Up) – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

Hello Tribesmen, continuing on our thought thread of ability counting and stewardship, Pastor Dami gave an explosive teaching today on shaping up as Christians.

We learnt today that everyone of us have been blessed with gifts in different variants and degrees; the presence of these gifts alone are the mandates of their manifestation.

We learnt today that God expects growth from us, and that all the gifts and abilities we have, are meant to be refined and deployed to shine in the world in the very best quality that is befitting of God.

We are urged today to count more of our abilities and look for ways to maximize and polish them by making the best of any opportunity to serve with them, whether in the church or in the marketplace.

Have a cheerful week ahead and find the links below to refresh you on today’s message.

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