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The Bloody Sweat (The Shield 8.0) – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

The Power Point Tribe · The Bloody Sweat (The Shield 8.0) – Pastor Dami Oguntunde

In furtherance of The Shield series, Pastor Dami Oguntunde shared on The Bloody Sweat. He emphasized how that prayer is crucial to our Christain life. It is the Ministry of Word and Prayer. It is through prayer that your inner man traps the spirit behind the Bible you study. Adding that prayerfulness is important to fulfilling purpose. To achieve anything these three must align: Spirit, water and blood (1 John 5:7-8). This is how you live an overcomers’ life. You build your destiny in God through prayers; praying the word of God.

Pastor also added tips to improving our prayer life.

  1. Know God’s word.
  2. At least pray an hour daily. You can do that by creating a 30 minutes worship playlist to help you start, then pray in tongues.
  3. Make talking to God a habit.
  4. Don’t look forward to prayer, just pray.

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