Good morning Divine Perspective Readers. My sincere apologies for going AWOL for sometime now…*smiles*. I do hope I’m forgiven. How have you been? I trust you’ve been living the victorious life made available to you through Christ Jesus. God wants us to have the best things of life. God is a FATHER. That revelation of Him as our Father must break loose in our hearts. He wants the best for us. He is a more faithful Father than our earthly fathers. Glory to God! If He gave us His most precious already, what is it He can not give us? Romans 8:32 (paraphrased). If we judge our earthly fathers faithful, then much more faithful is our heavenly Father. So going right along and continuing from where we left off the last time. We considered the 2 variables highlighted in Mark 11:23 to get the God Kind of Results. We looked at WHOSOEVER and SHALL ASK WHATSOEVER. Today we would consider the remaining variables of this classic verse of scripture.
Mark 11:23 (KJV) For verily I say unto you, That WHOSOEVER shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and SHALL NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he SHALL HAVE whatsoever he saith.
3. AND SHALL NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART: Now this is a critical point in this teaching. We have established that God does not discriminate and is no respecter of persons. “Whosoever” can approach Him and He will give him/her attention, this “whosoever” can also ask whatsoever and would not be denied. However we must understand that DOUBT is one thing that disqualifies us from reaching out to get what God has prepared for us in Christ Jesus.
James 1:6-8 (KJV) But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
8. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
James 1 makes it clear that whoever doubts is like the wave of the sea that is driven and tossed and should not even think he can receive anything from God. If God wanted to even bless such a person, He couldn’t because without Faith it is impossible to please God talk more of moving Him. God is a God of integrity. If He says He would do something He would do it no matter what, Faith is believing what God has said He would do like you have seen it done already and then acting, behaving and praising Him like it’s done. A doubtful man cannot do that, he is unstable in ALL his ways. If God told a double minded man to wait for a blessing at a T junction, when God gets there, the man would have left, seeking other alternatives to get the answer apart from God. You don’t believe God for so long and doubt for a second, then all your believing would be in vain. When you believe God, believe Him with His own kind of Faith… That unshakable Faith that stems from Him alone. That’s why Jesus said to have the God Kind of Faith and not just some random faith that comes from logic and analysis. Stick with the Word and stay committed to it just like God is committed to His Word and you will definitely see the God Kind of results. Take God for His Word and watch Him go into action.
Another thing you will observe here is that Faith is of the heart and not of the head. Oh how often brother Hagin mentioned that! You didn’t receive Jesus with your head, because your head can not believe what it cannot rationalise. It is 100% sensual and logical, but your heart can believe ANYTHING. The preacher said in Ecclesiastes that God has set Eternity in the hearts of men. It is with this heart man believes the Redemptive love story, it is this heart that prays to a God it cannot see but dares to believe. This heart can believe for anything. This is what got men raised from the dead and untopped deaf ears. This heart can press against the heart of God and feel its heartbeat. This is the heart that believes and not the head. When the head learns to listen to the heart, then such a life is bound to make progress. Don’t be scared if your head rationalises what your heart believes. The head will always be the head, but let the heart remain steadfast on the Word and you will get the God kind of Results.
4. SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER: Now this is the beautiful part for me. The Bible says that the point of believing and not doubting is the same point of having. Glory to God! Having doesn’t need to wait till you physically see the result. Having is a function of Faith, for we walk by Faith and not by sight. You have when you believe. How do we know you have had? By the way you give glory to God. When you have what you’re asking for, you will not act, talk or bahave like someone who doesn’t have. You will begin to demonstrate and give off the attitude of someone who already has. Your language will change just like Abraham’s. His name changed, his persuasion changed, his attitude changed and his lips began to give glory to God. Guys… the way to have the God Kind of Result is not far fetched, you don’t seek for it on a mountain of deprivation and penance. You simply believe what the Word says by Faith and act on it… and you’re on the path to producing results after the God kind. Your Finances, Health, Career, Family, etc. will begin to respond to you when you understand these timeless principles of Faith.
Commit yourself to practicing these principles and be sure to start counting and losing count of your testimonies. Have a productive week ahead. I love you