Good morning Divine Perspective Readers. It’s been such a long while since we last saw… *smiles* I’m so excited to be back on your screens… And what a season to be back! Trust me God has been Faithful. From my heart, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. It promises to be a season of fulfilled promises and prophecies. God will make good all His Word concerning you this season. Your glory will indeed break forth as the dawn and your inheritance will locate you. You will not struggle for anything that is yours and you will get things others worked for on a platter of Grace and Mercy. Favour will compass you as with a shield and whatsoever you do prospers according the dictates of The Blessing. You are supernaturally empowered to do God’s will in every area of your life. You will be a blessing to your world. I love you and you mean a lot to me.
So let’s go straight into what God will have us glean from His Word this first week of the year and I hope it charts a course for us for the rest of the year. I have observed that a lot of people blame God for their predicaments and seem to give credit to themselves for their achievements. There is something fundamentally wrong with this picture. It is God’s fault that they haven’t moved to their next level in years while other sped past them in the same period but it’s to their credit that they landed a multi million naira contract, thanks to their impeccable proposal and communication skills. Man is very quick to take the glory and even quicker to pass the blame. But of all people to blame, God seems like the only One who wouldn’t argue His case… Right? However there is a portal God works with in every man’s life. If that portal isn’t open for Him to move into action, God could NEVER do anything on the behalf of that man. It wouldn’t be God’s fault whatever happens in his life. That portal is in the direct control of the man. If it was not in our control, the Bible wouldn’t instruct us to guard it or keep it. Proverbs 4:23. That portal is our HEART. The heart of a man has a limitless elastic limit and it expands at the frequency of God’s entry into it.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (ISV) He made everything appropriate in its time. He also placed eternity within them—yet, no person can fully comprehend what God is doing from beginning to end.
In the year 2017, God will not do beyond what your heart can accommodate. Your heart is a form of spiritual valve. It controls the inflow of the supernatural to measure up with the state of your mind. If ones mind is not renewed to perceive the workings of God, He can never enter that promised future. The children of Israel perhaps witnessed the most supernatural era of any known generation, but they NEVER really BELIEVED. No matter what God did, their hearts were too closed to perceive it… so they did not enter into the rest God promised their Fathers. None of them entered the promised land save the two whose hearts were large enough to take the land.
Isaiah 54:2-3 (KJV) Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
What God wants to do in 2017 is not give you money or jobs or houses or visas. Heaven doesn’t do stuffs like that. No don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying God cannot bless you with material blessings like the things mentioned… He sure can, however that’s not God’s priority. Anyone who doesn’t know God can get those things without God. God’s primary interest in your life especially for the next season of your life is to increase the diameter of the portal you have always opened for Him to invade your territory. God wants to enlarge your heart. A man who has an enlarged heart for God is a limitless man.
Mark 9:23 (KJV) Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
Don’t give God some part of it, don’t withhold any thing from Him… Give Him EVERYTHING. Isaiah 54 was not talking about the new auditorium your Church wants to move into, the core thing God wants enlarged is your heart. Don’t spare anything, don’t depend on your logic, your intellect, your degrees and academic laurels this new year, don’t spare anything… Give it all up for Him. Lengthen your chord of Knowledge and strengthen your stakes of Love. Drive them deeper into Him… Enlarge the bounds of your habitation. Get lost in His expansiveness. Move beyond the shallow waters into the realm you were born to explore… The deep things of God.
God has given us one powerful tool to help enlarge our hearts in 2017… and that is unreserved THANKFULNESS. Thankfulness will enlarge your heart portal while complaining and murmuring will shrink the portal to the degree that all you will see is trickles of Grace. Move to the gusher and enlarge that portal. Thank Him, Praise Him, Remember, Forget Not, Remind Yourself of all the amazing things He has done and watch your heart enlarge to accommodate more of the supernatural in this new year.
We had a wonderful 2016 together, now let’s do this! Happy New Year. I love you.