Love math is out!

There’s Got To Be More

Good morning Friends. I trust you had a great weekend. Today I wish to just unburden my heart. There comes a time in a man’s life when he comes to terms with PURPOSES. He begins to ask questions like Why? What’s the essence? What good is this? To what end is this thing I am doing? Philosophers in their shallowness try to use theory sized concepts to fill a God sized vacuum. When we begin to think of the essence of our salvation and redemption, an informed mind will definitely come to the conclusion that There’s Got To be More! The Father carefully orchestrated the plan for redemption for over 4,000 years and eventually threw in the joker the devil never saw coming; God became man! This changed the game completely. The sin of the world must be judged and rightly so, in fact to its fullest extent as the righteous God must Himself do righteousness. Every man couldn’t pay for his sin as that defeats the LOVE God intended to demonstrate and no one would have been an accepted atonement die to their imperfections, so God sends God to take the place of man on the couple of sticks on Calvary’s hill. For the death and sufferings of diety for 72 hours is far more in worth than the sufferings of all humanity for all eternity. It was in these sufferings that the demands of justice were sufficiently met.

This is my point folks; The materials God wielded in the Redemption of man were eternal and had eternal consequences. Jesus’s Blood, His Flesh, The Cross, Hell… These were not used in order to thrill our imaginations and create phony pictures of the essence of our salvation. Eternal substances were used because our salvation is a big deal and has eternal value. We cheapen salvation when we make it all about the things we can see, taste, smell and feel. The Blood of JESUS has got to be worth more than Healed Bodies, Miracle Babies, Church Buildings, Big Offerings and Fat Account Balances. Paul revered the essence of the gospel too much to make his boast in his material wealth, if he were to boast in the flesh, he confessed to have more to glory of. What did he glory of instead? the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ His saviour.

Phil 3:4 (KJV) Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:

8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

I’d rather know Jesus and the depth of His Love for me revealed in the tapestry of the Redemption plan drawn by the Father, than have all the things the world chases after and lose sight of the centerpiece of the universe; Jesus Christ. For He is before all things and by Him all things consist. Col 1:17. Am I saying we should not desire the fame, success and recognition of this world? No, but I say still that there ought to be a more compelling conviction behind our actions and inaction, and it should be the eternal value of our decisions. God will make a success out of you faster than you could orchestrate by your own whims, if you simply submit to His Lordship. Make no mistake brother, don’t get it twisted sister … There’s Got To Be More! There’s got to be more about this great salvation like Apostle Peter called it. Would Elders who Hebrews say have obtained a good report, stand in the corridors of heaven and applaud our lives today or in contemporary terms, simply “smh”? Yes, today we are reaching more people through media in decades than we ever did in all of 2 Millenia. Yes we have much larger auditoriums for our services today than Jesus’s little boats could compete with. Yes we know infinitely more today and have more on our iphones than the whole scrolls in Jerusalem could hold. So yeah it seems like this is the “MORE” season, but I challenge us for much more. Eternal substances must in essence demand eternal results. Years down the line, we would realise that God needs no Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to compute the dynamics of the Book of Life and Bill himself will have to stand before the throne and God to answer, not organisational questions or bottom line and marketing strategies but eternal questions that will determine his eternal abode. Do we realise that the whole essence of Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection was so that the eternal souls of men would not have to experience the teeth gnashing anguish of hell? Do we? Do we realise that Love is the whole essence of the Gospel and that must be communicated to this lost and fast dying world. Jesus’s love is the only answer the souls of men really yearn for. We have the answer to the myriads of the world’s problems, but we would rather seek the denominational glory of our “ministries” than exalt the name of the only Superstar of all time; JESUS.

The song writer said “I’m tried of the status quo, there’s gotta be more than this… There’s gotta be more, gotta be more, ‘s gotta be more than this…” I quite agree. Let’s live our lives with eternity in mind and Heaven’s agenda at the fore of our consiousness. Yeah you will get married and get a good paying job, buy a big house, go on vacations and paint your street red… but while you’re busy planning how you’d do that, could you pick up that old dusty ZOE you carry within you and critically alarm… There’s Got To Be More than this?

I wrote this to charge someone out there, whose heart beats for the kingdom of God more than it seeks growth for his own empire. Every man wants to create a name for himself, but who are those that want to make His name glorious? He is eternally “limited” to the human body and carries about the trophy of His atonement; SCARS, just because of the sacrifice He made Himself to become for us. We ought to live in the confines of His will for our lives, constantly seeking and pursuing Him. Picking up His sighs and signs in order to turn them into burdens to fulfil. Yeah, this doesn’t quite sound like the kinda post that gets you all jumping, “hollaing” and excited, the last I checked, the Word of God ought to also help us in the departments of Rebuke and Correction as well. This has also helped me and I do hope it did you too. Next week we will be sharing on “Eternal Seeds”; seeds you can plant in time but are bound to bring you a harvest in both time and eternity… There’s really got to be be more about our salvation than simply living, getting blessed and making heaven.

Have a remarkable week ahead.

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