Love math is out!

Wow Series 2

Good morning Friend.

I trust you had a good weekend. This morning by God’s Grace we would continue on our very enlightening series on The Web of Wisdom. Last week, we learned that Wisdom is the Principal thing, that Wisdom is not a hidden virtue and that Wisdom must be desired and pursued. These are like some foundational characteristics of the God kind of Wisdom and if you haven’t read that post, do well to read that through before continuing with this.

Today, I will be sharing more on some qualities of Wisdom and I believe these will spur us to pursue it even more. But first, I’ll like to share briefly on 3 things Wisdom is not.

1. Wisdom is not Street Smartness: That you have your way around things doesn’t mean you’re operating by the wisdom of God. Many people we call street smart are cunning and manipulative. The wisdom that is from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, full of good fruits, easily entreated, full of mercy, without partiality or hypocrisy. God’s wisdom doesn’t seek to gain advantage by using people or manipulating them to get ahead. That’s not God ordained… Beware!

2. Wisdom is not Compromise: In compromising situations, you sometimes find Christians quote things like wisdom is profitable to direct, or blessed is the servant that acts wisely… Such quotes are lifted haphazardly to support their compromise. Don’t compromise your standards and claim you’re being wise… In the end you will see it was never wisdom.

3. Wisdom is not Intelligence: That you know your book doesn’t mean you’re wise. I’m sorry to burst your bubble beloved. Wisdom will produce a high level of intelligence, but that a man is intelligent doesn’t make him wise. In today’s reality, many of the atheists are professors and scientists who have high cerebral capacities… But Psalms 14:1, 53:1 both say that only FOOLS say there is no God. Sometimes even, the more intelligent a man thinks he is… The “fooler” He becomes… 1 Cor 1:19. Please pardon my English… Lol.

Now to the some more powerful qualities of The God kind of Wisdom;

1. Wisdom puts you ahead of your contemporaries automatically: When a man seeks wisdom and applies what he learns Proverbs 1:5, He is light years ahead of his mates and they cannot help but submit to him. Throughout King David’s tenure as King, He was fighting battles endlessly… but when King Solomon came on board, He didn’t lift a sword, all the neighbouring kings just submitted to him of their own will because he possessed wisdom is an unusual measure and no one argues or fights with wisdom.

Luke 21:15 (KJV) For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

Wisdom itself is an unusual virtue. So having it at work in you makes you a golden egg. You become the standard of reference because of your height of relevance.

2. Wisdom rejects Mediocrity: Wisdom doesn’t know how to do things shabbily or without excellence. A wise man does things excellently repeatedly. He is predictably excellent. He needs no supervision to be excellent, he is averse to Mediocrity and Average. When Joseph was about to be revealed to the King, He asked to change his wears and shave before appearing before Pharaoh. Pharaoh didn’t need his looks, He needed his interpretation. Whether he was naked or suited didn’t really matter, what mattered was the interpretation. But Joseph paid special attention to the tiniest detail because he knew that in Wisdom, everything counts. Don’t be sloppy with your looks, communication, attitude, duties and responsibilities while using lame excuses like God understands. Have no interest in being mediocre, go the extra mile, let every detail be paid attention to. Michelangelo, while painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling was asked why he painted ever so excellently a part no one would ever see or notice, he replied and said he wasn’t painting it for people to see and appreciate but for God’s inspection. No wonder he became an artistic wonder in his generation. It is said that his influence on western art is unparalleled except probably by Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Excellence pays!

3. Wisdom Prioritises Kingdom Work: The first seven years King Solomon spent in office was in the building of a temple for God while the next thirteen years was spent building his own house. What does that tell you…? there is Wisdom in seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and hence, other things are added. There is Wisdom is giving your Tithe or whatever percentage you give, first before you separate cash for your other needs, there is Wisdom in prioritising your service to the kingdom and staying committed to it. When you prioritise God’s work, He rewards you with making you priority. Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:33. It is unwise for anyone to plan, project and prepare only for his ambition and have no priority for things of God… God isn’t committed to your agenda, He is eternally committed to His own agenda, when your agenda syncs with His, you are certain of maximum backing, resource delivery and posterity. Glory to God!

I hope this series has been a blessing to you so far. There are still a lot of nuggets to share with you. Please do well to follow and share these timeless truths with friends and loved ones as we all upgrade our Wisdom Bank. Have an unusual week ahead… yeah I sense God introducing Himself to you in a spectacular fashion this new week. God bless you.

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