Love math is out!

Wow Series 9

Good morning Friend.

I trust you had a great weekend. I realise that the ark of covenant needed only stay in the house of Obed Edom for just three months for everything around his life, business and family to turn around. That’s exactly how interacting with God through His Word is… His Word in your heart is the same as having the Ark of Covenant in the temple made with hands. If you give quality and quantity time to the Word for 3 months, it is impossible for your life to remain the same. The transformation will begin from inside until the whole reality of your environment catches up with it. Go for the Word by all means!

Today, we will open another portal of reality in the edifice of Wisdom and see what it has in store for us. How do we gain access into the same dimension of God’s Wisdom? As wise as Solomon was, he never had access to this type of Wisdom we’re talking about here. His wisdom was vast and quite compelling, but it only had to do with facts and figures. He knew almost all there was to know about created plants and animals, could explore disciplines across board like Poetry, Literature, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Masonry, Carpentry, Human Resource Management, International Relations, Public Speaking, Law and Justice… And on and on. He could decode any problem by the wisdom of God given to him. However a greater than Solomon is here! What does that mean? It means that one walking in a dimension or has access to a dimension of a type of Wisdom superior to that of Solomon is here. Guess who that is; YOU… Yes YOU!

1 Corinthians 2:5-8(ISV)5 so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on God’s power.
6 However, when we are among mature people, we do speak a message of wisdom, but not the wisdom of this world or of the rulers of this world, who are passing off the scene.
7 Instead, we speak about God’s wisdom in a hidden secret, which God destined before the world began for our glory.
8 None of the rulers of this world understood it, because if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

There is a Wisdom you have access to as a Christian that is unparalleled… No human system can comprehend such heights of Wisdom. These Wisdom belongs to the Mature, BBE version says it belongs to those who are complete in knowledge. This doesn’t mean perfection of thoughts and actions, it just means those who have exercised themselves by the Word and can divide the Word of righteousness. Those who are full of the Word. These spiritual and mature people are the ones who can receieve from the Spirit of God because they are enlightened by the Word. However, this special type of Wisdom cannot be gotten through reading, study or research of intellectual materials, it can only be received by Faith in God for the promise of its release. This Wisdom speaks of things to come. That is why verse 6 says of the wisdom of the world as a fleeting one, one that passes away and cannot remain relevant for all ages. The wisdom available in God for our glory is such that it speaks of things to come. With this type of Wisdom at work, your spirit gains access to the Binoculars of God and see with Him into the future and thereby remain relevant in all ages. This is why verse 9 says, these things have not been grasped by any human sight or mind because they reside only in the mind of God. This is why the gift of the known as Word of Wisdom isn’t an intellectual word or quotable quote, it is a word in the mind of God about the future.

The richest man in the world will give all he has in exchange for a Knowledge of the future which gives him command and mastery of that future. The most expensive commodity in the world is an accurate knowledge of the future… Remember how that demon possessed lady in Acts 19 made a fortune for her owners through divination/foretelling? Many Christians have been swayed and deceived by the cunning craftiness of false prophets who claim to have a Knowledge of the future and thereby make fat their pockets. That’s because the crave to know tomorrow is so compelling that it could make someone empty his bank account. Kings of old were willing to give as much as half of their kingdom to whoever had a superior knowledge of the future or an interpretation to a dream. For the believer however, it even gets better… You don’t have to know the future intellectually, but you are able to speak about that future which your mind doesn’t understand, and speak about it with the counsel of God in your spirit . That is… You perfectly speak of the future and orchestrate events of the future to align with the perfect plan of God for your life. Even better is that you don’t have the capacity to change the reality of that alignment since your mind wasn’t privy to the secrets exchanged in the spirit. Your mouth was used as a rendezvous, but your mind was skipped as a passage. 1 Cor 14: 2, 4, 14.

When you operate by this level of Wisdom… Guess what? The devil’s perpetual disposition to you will be that of regret as shown in Verse 8. You will always be several steps ahead of the devil. All he has left for the crucifixion of Jesus is regret. If only he had known… That’s all he always has to say about the victory of the believer in Christ Jesus… Hallelujah. A believer operating by this Wisdom is too hot for the devil to handle and has his future safe and secure in the hand of the Holy Spirit. This is one of the amazing advantages of being a believer which we all should maximise.

In our next post, we will share on how to operate by this Wisdom and its benefits. Have a great week ahead.

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