I came across a quote by Pastor ‘Poju Oyemade of Covenant Christian Center lately. He said that crisis doesn’t destroy anybody, but what does are the careless statements people make in crisis. I couldn’t agree any further. It’s amazing what happens when a man aligns his mouth to speak God’s Word over his situations. From our previous posts we established the place of understanding who we are and being confident in the Father’s love for us, in order to contain our condemner. That being addressed, I realise that the man who will not speak God’s Word is a man that will sacrifice his destiny on the alter of convenience.
Putting our mouth to war is about the most lethal spiritual engagement we believers will ever undergo. The devil is not scared of a man who goes to church, he won’t be intimidated by a man who pays tithe and offerings, but show him a man who knows God’s Word, and speaks it boldly, then you just announced his biggest threat to him. Your mouth is first for speaking God’s Word, before it is for eating. I know some of you are like “uhn?”. Yes, your mouth if filled with Word of God is your biggest asset in the kingdom of God. The mouth that is too busy to speak the Word of God, will eventually be too preoccupied with regrets
2Co 4:13
13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
The proof of your faith is to speak the Word of God. A believer who hasn’t exercised himself to speak God’s Word with boldness will not walk in all that God has in store for him in life. Speaking God’s Word is the active force of faith that appropriates all that Grace already made available. Many believers today pay no attention to God’s Word, thinking it’s simply a waste of their precious time, but nothing could be farther from the truth. God’s Word saves you stress, money, time and resources. It makes you wise unto everything that life throws at you. Psalms 19:7, 2 Tim 3:15. Not only is it necessary to know the Word, you must speak the Word. An unspoken Word is as powerless as an unwritten Word. The force of power locked up in the Word, is released at the frequency of speech.
Several years ago, I was diagnosed with hepatitis B+ at the Olabisi Onabanjo Teaching Hospital, Ogun State, Nigeria. A terminal disease that affects the liver and causes its inflammation, it’s a viral infection which kills its host in months. I was being managed and my diet was reduced to a very dry and boring menu. If you’re going to die eventually, at least die eating correct meals that you enjoy, not pepper without oil, fish, meat or any such thing. I was given food like yam, vegetable and some other really boring meals. The idea was so that I don’t take protein so it doesn’t stress my liver during metabolism. I became jaundiced, my urine was very coloured, I was weak in my body receiving drips all day for about 3 to 4 days, then God showed me a verse of scripture;
Isa 50:4a
4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary:…
I realised that in that situation back then I was both the weary and the learned, so I began speaking life into my body, into my liver, into my organs and into my blood. I’m not too sure of the exact time, but I became as strong as a mule in about 5 minutes. I believed the report of the Word, and spoke it into reality. I knew I was healed at that moment, because the Word was all the proof I needed, but others needed some extra months, after which I was diagnosed again and medically confirmed negative. The doctors had no answer to it, all the years of medical research hasn’t found a cure for it, but God’s Word did it in minutes.
It’s been 7 years since the hepatitis saga, and I’m whole, hail and hearty, thanks to the Word of God. The Power is in the Word, the Trigger is in your mouth. Your staff of authority is simply a Mouth yielded to God’s Word. Don’t complicate your life with careless words. God’s Word in your mouth is as powerful as God’s Word in God’s mouth. You must begin to appreciate, value, and gravitate towards the Word of God. Let it gain dominance in your consciousness and you would notice a vivid change in levels in your life.
Pro 18:20-21
20 A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Job 23:12b
… I have esteemed the word of his mouth more than my necessary food.
Food is necessary, but God’s Word is even more necessary, so put your mouth to better use than just eating and gisting. We will continue in this series about our relationship with God’s Word, for it is the foundation upon which the Christian faith must be built. As you go into the week, do well not to neglect your study of the WORD. Enjoy God’s unmerited favour this week by His divine Grace in Jesus name.