Love Math is an inspired roadmap, designed to guide two hearts into blissful union.
No one doubts the need to service their cars, air conditioners and engines. Infact, many have monthly and quarterly schedules just for the maintenance of these machines, which have been considered to be subject to what is called a useful life. They are replaceable, replicable and returnable, yet we consider it wise to service them and apply preventive maintenance on them.
Many marriages go for many years without a single maintenance procedure carried out, and unlike machines, marriage is not designed with replacement in mind, yet many don’t seek the wisdom ordained for its success.
Way before the bags leave the house and the divorce papers are signed, hearts often check out of a relationship, but partners hardly notice.
There is a pathway to achieving and maintaining active union in relationships and marriages – that pathway is vulnerability. Risky as it may seem, without vulnerability, becoming one with your partner is simply unattainable: and without becoming one, divorce will always be a potential option.
Love Math was written to help relationships improve their intimacy and build a union that is considered by God, an indestructible force of positive change in the world.