Love math is out!

Love Math

There is a pathway to achieving and maintaining active union in relationships and marriages – that pathway is vulnerability. Risky as it may seem, without vulnerability, becoming one with your partner is simply unattainable: and without becoming one, divorce will always be a potential option.

Love Math was written to help relationships improve their intimacy and build a union that is considered by God, an indestructible force of positive change in the world.


Our Christian heritage is replete with different concepts, all of which define, shape and strengthen our walk and belief. Fifteen of such concepts are succinctly presented in Colours in a contemporary fashion that makes you understand them quickly and be able to teach or practice them effortlessly. Whether you are a new believer attempting to navigate your Christian walk or an old believer who wants to constantly refresh yourself on the basic tenets of your Christian faith, Colours is your go-to guide, a timeless tool for humanity.


In the beginning, God had a Manuscript for Man; both the Male Man and the Female Man. One for which if they followed, would make them into all that God intends for them to be. However, it doesn’t take more than simple observation to see how a pervasive mind-set has robbed men and women alike of the truest expression of the God-designed life they both were destined to manifest on the earth. Manuscript seeks to help The Male Man re-capture his essence, purpose and power in the context of the broader unified Mandate he shares with the Female Man. It will do this, by helping The Man in Re-engineering The Macho Constructs (MC) that have been installed into his sub-consciousness through layered, repeated and emphasised experiences.

Path Finder

Nothing done outside our path of destiny is of any eternal weight or impact. There is a place God has created for us to function in, ever before the world began. Living anywhere apart from that path is living in frustration and illusion. Life can only be fulfilling where you’re sure that your every step is in sync with the pre-ordained script of God’s plan for your life. Among young people, there seems to be an obsession with getting to the top that sometime there’s a loss of perspective on the immediate.

Beautiful Scars

Beautiful Scars is a journey into the potter’s house of the Grand Master Himself, it takes us through the processes, twists and sometimes bends of the transformation we go through even as we live out our quota on the earth. It brings Christ so close, so near and so real, especially at moments when everyone seems farthest. It’s definitely not for those with a seemingly perfect beginning. No where in scriptures did God promise us the best of beginnings, however the Word of God is replete with assurances of better endings. If you want to seize your past and wield it as a tool for charting a better future through the framework of the redemptive work of Christ, then this book is for you.

The Pauline Prayers

The Pauline Prayers are prayers that never age, never die, never fade. They are relevant for all dispensations and seasons, for all people and creed, for all situations and circumstances.

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