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Contexts and Communities

Hi Pal,

Today, I’ll be sharing with you a thought The Lord placed in my heart about how important it is for a person to be found in his/her own spiritual Community. A lot of young believers find it quite a task to locate with a level of ease and assurance, the Community God has sent them to.

Here is how God showed me the missing link;

Every word has by itself, its own meaning and definition, but in the broader context of a group of words, a word is only as powerful as the overall message contained in the context in which it is used.

What is a context? A context is a group of words, which in themselves respectively have their individual meanings, but come together to form a chain of thoughts that project ONE idea. Such that, if there is no recourse to the context, there is likely to be a loss of the whole meaning of those words if each is examined in isolation. Do you get me?

I see a such a beautiful metaphor here!

The context remember, projects ONE Main Idea and not many ideas at the same time, but it employs the use of many words to draw up such an idea.

Our Communities are quite like Contexts.

Each of us have our own unique purposes, independent of other people, this unique definition of ours obviously limits the dimensions and limitations of our use. Just like the meaning of a word limits the scope of its use. We have our specific and individual purposes and destinies in God which make us absolutely different from others. But we are only as useful as the Community God places us in. The beauty of a word in its full essence is found in the broader context of its CONTEXT. In the same vein, the full expression of all God has called you to be is found in your placement within a specific Community.

Psalms 68:6 KJV
God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

The ONE idea your life is destined to project is CHRIST, however, your life cannot effectively project CHRIST in isolation, it must be in the company of other believers who are joined by One Spirit, United in One Purpose. The same way one word could not possibly explain an idea, articulate a dream or project a message, your life string cannot all by itself produce the Christ Chord! Good music is never only a bland tone or key, it’s a rich blend of highs and lows, sharps and flats, blacks and whites…

Don’t run away from the Community God has ordained for you… Find one and get involved.

You may ask, how do I identify my Community?

1. It Feels Right: I know feelings are not much to go by, especially when it comes to the things of God, however we mustn’t run the risk of over analysing this. God will seize the use of your feeling as a tool to chart your course with respect to your Community. A Community that isn’t yours won’t feel right from the start. Something just wont sit well within you, especially if you have learned to yield your members as instruments unto righteousness. Brother Hagin puts it this way “feels like putting on a wet socks… doesn’t just feel right”. When you find your community, something in you, much like the dove sent out by Noah, will rest on the olive/anointing of the house…

2. You hear in your language: If you have to do a whole lot to understand the lingo of where you’re at, you’re probably not supposed to be there. You ought to understand what is being said without much labour. All the people from different nations on the day of Pentecost heard the Apostles’ inspired utterances in their own language, no surprise 5,000 of them got saved and joined the early Church Comminty. If you stay in a Church Community where you constantly have to be asking “What’s going on? Can you explain what Pastor is saying to me? What did they say? What’s happening next week? How long is believers class? Who is that man that preaches every Sunday?” I’m sure you know what I mean…

3. Your Community satisfies your deepest desires about fulfilling your mission upon the earth: Church communities have varying focuses, however your Community will have a focus/vision that is congruent with your deepest desires for spiritual fulfillment. I believe this is self explanatory. You won’t feel connected to a Community with a divergent purpose from what fulfils you. If you are really called to reach out to Prisoners and Sex workers, the Church Comminty God will send your way most likely, will have such an outreach arm or be open to your championing the cause once you join.

In conclusion, there is a doctrine of devils out there parading itself in New Creation Hoodies, saying you can as well have Church in your living room, in front of your TV , watching global Gospel Ministers and giving your offerings via your debit card, while Hillsong is playing in the background for Worship… Don’t be sucked in. The enemy ALWAYS isolates those he intends to destroy. Be discerning! How well will a sheep fare, whose Shephard is perpetually in diaspora? You can’t be Pastored from overseas? TD Jakes doesn’t know you, neither will Joseph Prince pray along with you in a situation.

Get a Local Assembly where God’s Word is taught, join the Community of believers and together Project that ONE massive IDEA called CHRIST.

I hope this helped?

In need of a Community?

Reach out to me, we can talk about this.

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