Love math is out!


Good morning Friend,

I trust you had an exciting weekend.

Today is the first day of the fourth month of the year 2019, and the first day of the second quarter of the year. 3 months are behind us already and it’s clear that 25% of the year is gone and irrecoverable! That is why in the light of the season we are in, it is expedient to examine ourselves and evaluate our growth in the year viz-a-viz our expectations for the year… If we had any.

What were the things you set out to achieve in the year 2019 and how much of it did you plan to have achieved by the end of the first quarter? Have they been achieved? If No, why haven’t they? Friends, God’s predetermined purpose for your life is time bound and your life-time is all you have to achieve these grand objectives.

There are some folks who have a negative disposition to having a plan, not realising that a plan is the closest some people ever get to a prophetic encounter. Every plan is prophetic because it maximises the use of the imagination and a keen ability to capture moments in writing. Anything you’re not able to envision and imagine, is difficult to be crystallised into a plan.

In my words, a Plan is a written account of a future course of action. It is the art of partnering with God in outlining the details of our aspirations and expectations. Having a plan is fundamental to your chance of success. If you have no plans you will always succeed at achieving every bit of it, but if you have a plan you may not achieve everything, but you will be far above the rest of the bunch that simply live the day as it comes. Redeeming the time is one of the hallmarks of wisdom as every day is full of its own distraction.

So, here is another chance to hit target with respect to the things you intend to achieve in the year 2019. Your dreams don’t intimidate God, it is your lack of conscientiousness that bothers him. Make efforts to be set apart and be different from the rest of the park this year. If you don’t have a plan for the year yet, I urge you to develop one before the end of the week. The Bible admonishes the believer to examine himself from time to time and it is only on the backdrop of a written plan that objective evaluations can be done.

Here are a few tips that I believe will help;

1. Decide on what you want to be remembered for once you leave the earth (Either by death or Rapture). The best of plans begin with the end in view!

2. Outline the things that must happen for such a legacy to be built. You may need the help of a coach or mentor to help you distill (1) into chunks of milestones

3. Break those milestones down into long-term, middle-term and short-term goals and objectives. You should read up on the differences between all these kinds of goals and be sure you categorise the goals accordingly

4. Select all the “short-term” goals which usually should be achieved within 1-12 months and further schedule them into timelines.

5. Develop to-dos from each goal

6. Get a Mentor you can be accountable to. A friend is good in this regard but may lack the authority to enforce compliance, so get a Mentor

7. Write all these things down in a journal that is never too far away and visit it at least once a week. All the goals must be distilled into daily to-dos or else your lofty plan will remain in heavenly places far above principalities as well as your reach

8. Commit all these plan unto God. Establish the plan in the Spirit by brooding over it in tongues. Allow the Holy Spirit the right of way to rearrange, reorganise, restructure and realign the plan as He wills

9. Make some lifestyle changes that will give you the time and latitude to achieve these goals. Like reducing your time on social media, restricting your daily activities to only important tasks by planning your day ahead

10. Execute! Execute!! Execute!!! 1-9 will amount to nothing if you do not get on the job and begin to execute. Lack of execution will eat the fanciest of plans for breakfast. You cannot trade execution for prayer and supplication, both execution and prayer have their place in the scheme of things.

I published my 3rd book last year May 2018 and by God’s Grace, I intend to publish the 4th before the year runs out. This post makes it the 201st article posted on Divine Perspective since its inception in 2015 in addition to the hundreds of podcasts recorded, and by God’s Grace, we won’t stop until there are thousands of resources on DP. These goals make it impossible for me to go a few days without writing extensively or recording a podcast.

I have read at least 3 books since the turn of the year 2019, most of which were read in transit. My commuting time is 100% given to reading and meditation.

I am not saying all these to excite you or make you see how awesome I am. Trust me, there are things I intend to achieve for God that I have not even begun to scratch the surface yet. So I have not started. But I said all that to show you that any landmark achievement will require a good amount of diligence, commitment and sheer grit. Talent may get you a spot on the tracks, but only perseverance, consistence and hardwork will take you to the finish line.

We have shared alot in this piece and I hope it encouraged, charged and blessed your heart. I am available for any help you may need with respect to all that was shared.

Your success is God’s delight! We have 8 months to make real progress, every single minute counts. Let’s redeem it!

Ephesians 5:15-16 (KJV) See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Have a remarkable week ahead.

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