Love math is out!

These Things We Speak 2

Good morning Friend,

I trust you had an interesting weekend.

We started a short series last week titled These Things We Speak and it’s been a huge blessing to as many as have read through it. I encourage you to read up on it if you haven’t as this is only a build up on that installment.

As a way of a quick summary, in the last post, we established the preeminence of purpose in the life of every believer and how deliberate God is when it comes to masterfully charting our course into our prepared destinies. We emphasised the place of praying in tongues as an indispensable tool in navigating our way into purpose. We concluded that beyond the gymnastics of praying in tongues, a fervent love for God combined with tongues is what causes God to release us into all He has prepared for us since the foundation of the world.

Today, we move a little deeper into this subject matter and I believe that as you pay attention to these words, your heart will be flooded with light in Jesus name.

Let’s begin with this scripture in Romans 8 which we all love to quote:

Vs 28: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

We see here again how our love for God features here in relation to the purpose of God for our lives. All things are only permitted to work together for good for us because we love God. The reason why only those who love God can fulfil purpose is simply because they are only ones God can guarantee that will use the fulfilment of that purpose for His glory. Imagine if Joseph didn’t love God, he would maltreat or even kill his brothers whom he was meant to preserve. If David didn’t love God, he would have killed Saul a long time ago and that would only make him into another King Saul the tyrant and arrogant King. The love of God in our heart is what constrains us from simply doing anything we like with the privileges, rewards and resources that come with a fulfilled purpose. That love for God in your heart is very important.

Now if you backtrack a few verses, you will find this;

Vs 26: Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

The greatest infirmity/weakness in the world isn’t cancer or leukemia, it is a life bereft of a sense of direction, and that is why the Holy Spirit helps in that regard. The reason why it is such a major weakness is because no institution, person or medium can reveal our life’s purpose to us, save God. Schools, seminars, conferences, etc. can help fine-tune our mental prowess and give us a platform to express what’s on our inside, but cannot reveal our purposes to us. If God doesn’t reveal it to us, we’re doomed to cluelessness! This verse also tells us something really instructive… That our purposes ought to shape the direction of our prayers. If we knew our purposes in specific details, we would pray accurately, that is we would know what we ought to pray for, but we don’t, so God creates the genius of speaking in tongues which helps us connect prayer with purpose with an end to end encryption only God can demystify. That’s just super cool.

So we see here that the intercession of the Spirit on our behalf through tongues precedes the overwhelming assurance we have about the eventual destination of all the things (good and bad) happening in our lives ; GOOD! All things have only once conclusion in your life .. they will end up in the GOOD column on the spreadsheet. Glory to God. But that is primarily because we have engaged the intercession of the Spirit on our behalf and have committed our hearts to love God with all we have.

Let’s take a look at this thoughts

I John 5:7-8 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

So much coded mysteries in here, but let’s glean a little.

If you notice, the Spirit is the common witness among the witnesses in Heaven and Earth, meaning He is the vital link. He hears from The Father and the Word and translates same to Blood and Water. Blood and Water represents man by the way and with the Holy Spirit resident in our spirit, we can connect vitally with what is going on in Heaven. Tongues is that very instrumental way The Holy Spirit helps deliver divine intelligence into our hearts.

I cannot really overemphasize the power in praying in tongues as often as you can… Even when you don’t understand the full extent of what you’re saying. You’re causing hitherto arbitrary lines to form coordinated strings that only the Holy Spirit is capable of making happen.

Think about it… If God has already written out the details of your life before you even breathed your first according to Psalms 139:16, except by the supernatural genius of a charting device like tongues, what are the chances that you will end up in the places with the people and at the time He has ordained for you? I’m not sure there’s a calculator that can aggregate such chances in a mathematical sense. It’s literally impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit via tongues.

The more you speak these things, not in the words that man’s wisdom teaches but in tongues which only the Holy Spirit teaches while comparing spiritual with spiritual, you are making more happen than you realize…

This is such an important subject matter. One very instructive thing to note again in Romans 8:26 is that the we cannot abdicate our praying responsibility to the Holy Spirit and think He would do an automatic job of getting us into our destinies… If we check the original Greek, we will realise that the Holy Spirit only takes hold together with us, that is it is to the degree of our fervency and commitment to prayer that the Holy Spirit takes hold together… He won’t do more when you’re doing less…

I encourage you to press in, press on, pray more and be on your way to be smack dab in the perfect will of God for your life.

I trust this blessed your heart as it did mine.

Have a productive week ahead.

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